
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Choose your clothes wisely.

Ladies, get to know your body types the same way you had to acknowledge your worth. Believe me, there is a strong correlation between both and I personally had to learn the hard way! Now let me tell you, that it doesn’t happen overnight but a little effort goes a long way. There is truly nothing more attractive than a woman walking around owning every fiber of who she is. I believe that confidence comes in all shapes and sizes. Undeniably, the way that you dress up can either boost it up or do the total opposite.  Why wear a crop top if you have large breasts that you are not comfortable about? Make sure that you carry yourself well, because it plays a huge role in the vibes that you send off and gives a pretty much idea of whom you are, no matter where you walk in. Unfortunately, if you don’t know how to dress according to your shape, you will often be the subject of mockery and found yourself in humiliating situations. You might not care about other’s opinions of your image, but keep in mind that it does matter sometimes at the professional level as well as during random encounters and that you will hardly get a chance to make a second impression.

I just want to help some of you become aware of the fact that just because something is trendy doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to own it.  I’ve seen people wearing the latest designer clothes from head to toe and look absolutely hideous. To repeat the words of one of the world’s greatest fashion icon’s Karl Lagerfeld: “Trendy is the last stage before tacky.” Same goes for you too gentlemen. Wearing Louis Vuitton” everythANG” will probably make you stand out but in a ridiculous way. Yes, I know “you got it like that” but you don’t need to feel the need to remind me. Being simple and discreet have a better effect at making people noticing you. I will never get tired of repeating that there is a fine line between fashion and style because there is truly one. Regrettably, a lot of women and men nowadays, would rather be up-to date for the sole purpose of showing off and look like a hot mess instead of wearing clothes that flatter them.  Some of you might not do it on purpose and hopefully this post could teach you a thing or two. On the contrary, if you do, I’m not here to teach you how to conduct your life but just know that it is sincerely not flattering. There is nothing wrong with wearing the latest leather pants or crop top but be mindful, that whatever you wear goes with you so when you are wearing them you feel good in your skin. That is all that matters.If you feel the need to adjust what you are wearing every so often or ask people around you if you look good then It might be a strong sign that you are not comfortable in your clothes and this could be a major turn off. When you look good and feel good, you won’t need validation from anyone. We are all humans and there is nothing wrong about making a fashion faux-pas once in a blue moon, it happens to the best of us, but do not let it become an habit. Do not become the man or woman that people secretly makes fun of. I know we try our best not to judge people, but do not be foolish now and believe that people do not point fingers at you when you do look bad. There certainly wouldn’t be any fashion police for that matter.


Thursday, May 14, 2015

...And then GOD created NAOMI CAMPBELL.

I have been fascinated with this QUEEN for the longest. It was only a matter of time that I dedicated an entire post to her amazingly fierce self.  She represents to me, the epitome of timeless beauty, style, and confidence. Although I haven’t gotten the chance to stumble upon her presence yet, she gives me the vibe of a woman who owns, by her aura any places that she steps her foot into.  Despite the fact, that she carries herself so well, her rebellious side can never go unnoticed and I absolutely love her for it. I’ve heard that Naomi doesn’t take NO for answer and quite frankly If I were her, I wouldn’t either. Seriously, who would dare not making such a Goddess’s wishes come true? Ahaha. Her face is so perfectly asymmetric and her eyes although mysterious, seem to always know what they want.  Oh and lets not forget her statuesque silhouette that seems to have won over the downfalls of time, that you almost want to wonder if she is REAL. Yes, it is safe to say that God has taken some extra time and care to build her. Naomi has been looking the same for the last 20 years, and just

like fine wine she is only getting better with age. Naomi Campbell, you are my definition of perfection.


Tuesday, May 5, 2015

All hails to these other QUEENS.


Oh-so Riské,Oh-so Fab!!!

One of the fanciest nights in fashion happened once again last night. The spring 2015 Costume Institute exhibit at the Metropolitan Museum of Art was dedicated to Chinese fashion. The theme this year was "China: Through the Looking Glass," and it showcased Chinese art and rare artifacts as well as dresses interpreting Chinese designs from Western designers like, John Galliano, Alexander McQueen, Jean Paul Gaultier, and Tom Ford. Some of the finest Hollywood stars were out there, serving us all kinds of greatness. Although, some mega stars who rarely do fashion faux-pas in my books, such as JLO and Beyoncé stunned on the carpet, I found their dresses to be boring and way too common. They would look spectacular in any other events but I feel like they didn’t interpret the theme well. I believe that fashion is all about taking risks and looking EXTRAordinary and confident while doing so, and this is why my winner for this event is no one else but the Queen of Barbados: RIHANNA. Never let it be said that the girl doesn’t know how to make an entrance.
The pop singer managed to pull the red carpet out from under the rest of them at the Met Gala on Monday when she swooped in wearing a fur-trimmed yellow cape with floral swirls of gold and a train so long it required three wranglers. The ensemble came with a little pink mini-dress underneath, and a sparkling tiara. In keeping with the evening's theme — China, and its artistic influence on the West — the outfit came from Beijing-based designer Guo Pei.
And please keep in mind, that Fashion is temporary and style is eternal and Rihanna seems to have mastered the fine line between these two. BOW DOWN RIRI.


Sunday, April 19, 2015

the little things make a big difference

This is one guaranteed way to my heart. Spoil me with flowers & more flowers. Be creative.!!!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Can I Live??!!

Have you ever met one of those people who have no barriers? They start off small, asking a few casual questions here and there, and during that time it all sounds harmless but before you know it they start going a little too far, asking questions and making comments that are too personal and at times inappropriate. Well if you haven’t, consider yourself lucky. Allow me to tell you, that encountering such a person is not a pleasurable moment. Their lack of tact, which can be attributed to so many factors such as: poor education, poor social skills, or their own personal insecurities, can often leave you very unsettled. However, in one of my most recent encounters, the feelings that I experienced were neither of anger or frustration, but of shame and self-doubt.
One day, as I was getting my usual morning dose of coffee at Starbucks, I heard someone enthusiastically yelling my name. As I turned and looked around, I recognized this guy that I knew. We were not precisely friends, but since we knew the same people and usually frequented similar places, we developed the habit of greeting each other. At first, I thought it was an agreeable surprise. I was, coincidentally, in the mood to have some company, and even more so to share this moment with someone that I’ve wanted to get to know better for a while now.  Little did I know, that this impromptu tête-à-tête would soon be putting a dark cloud over my sun-shiny day. We had barely sat down, when he started bombarding me with questions, each more disturbing than the last.
Here is how he began the interrogation: “ Do you have a boyfriend?”  I hadn’t even given him an answer before he continued by adding: “Ever since I've known you, I never heard you had a boyfriend.  Actually, let me think. If I’m not mistaken, I think you had one or two. What happened? Why are you no longer dating them?” As I was quietly sitting in my chair, I started to rapidly feel overwhelmed. As if it was not obvious that I was already at a loss for words, he kept on going: “I feel like you are wasting your youth, are you planning to spend the rest of your life alone?  What is going on with you? I don’t get it.” In less than five minutes, I had gone from being overly excited to wanting to slowly disappear under the table. Since that was not possible, I sat there perplexed and speechless, begging him with my eyes to stop brutalizing me with his questions. After giving him all of my worst facial expressions, he must have realized how he had put his foot so deep in his mouth, and attempted to change the subject. It was already too late. As the tension between us became unbearable, he quickly finished his coffee and told me that he had to go. I watched him leave with my words tangled in my throat. Here I was at 7h30 m, suddenly incapacitated, not able to go on with what was began as a promising day. When I finally got back to my senses a few minutes later, the only thing I felt like doing was driving right back home.  I was not ready to face the world and pretend to be alright.
            On my drive back home, I couldn’t stop replaying this “rendezvous from hell” in my head. I was on the verge of tears. I was panicking and trying to figure out if there was something wrong with me. After all, to be honest, those were questions I was afraid to ask myself, let alone being asked about by someone I barely knew! No, I did not have that many boyfriends, and my past relationships never worked out for one reason or another. So it was normal that his questions had me wondering if I had been doing something wrong in my love life. I also thought about all of the good guys that I rejected, mostly because I was just not into them, and all of the bad guys that my poor choices led me to. The thing with me is that, I either love too much or not enough. In that moment, I started to wish that things had been different. If wishes were horses, beggars would ride, right? When I got home, I lay on my bed and started to analyze what had happened. I was getting angry with myself for not finding the courage to say something in my defense.
Shortly after all my overthinking, I gave myself a timeout to mindfully breathe. Oxygen does wonders to the mind. I started to think more rationally. How did I allow someone who I barely knew to invade my privacy? What did he know about my life anyway?
 I understand that we live in a society, where whether we like it or not, certain people will take a particular interest in our lives. But, Can I live?!?!
Unfortunately, when people can’t figure out certain parts of our lives, they tend to make it up. That is not always right, but that’s the reality and I’m not going to pretend here that I’ve never judged or repeated false allegations about anyone myself. We all have a mind of our own, and for some that mind come with a less discreet tongue.
One thing for sure, I will never be able to control what people say or think about me, nobody has that power. However, I can choose how to react and deal with what is said. Often times, certain things do not even require a reaction, and I know that putting our ego aside is not an easy thing to  do . There comes a point in our lives where we need to appreciate the choices we have made for ourselves and lose the need to defend them or even apologize for them. Things happen, but our reaction is the message we send to ourselves and to others. By believing that we are vulnerable, by not resolving certain of our personal scars, others will believe that they can rob us of our pride, they will act upon our insecurities and we will become the victim of our own self-perception like I did. 
I’ve realized that the older us women get, the more society pressure us to settle down and have a hard time accepting us as independent agents, responsible for ourselves, unapologetic, comfortable in our skin, alone but not lonely. To all women, time is of the essence for us to see ourselves as people with maverick desires, independent hopes, bold ambitions and unique abilities. The ability to please a man and be in a relationship can no longer be the optimal point of our lives; we have and will always be more than a girlfriend, wife, and partner. Do not get me wrong, I do believe that we all need someone to lean on but for some, it takes longer to find that special someone.

 Until it happens, it doesn’t mean that our value as a woman decreases. Absolutely not!! Everyone should know by now, that a woman is capable of standing alone and appreciate herself without settling for anything less than she deserves. If you are one of these women, that is afraid that society will judge you because you do not have a man by a certain age, please free yourself of the confinement that small-minded people try and trap you in.  Instead, work on yourself, let go of their judgments and take charge of your happiness.
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