
Thursday, May 28, 2015

Choose your clothes wisely.

Ladies, get to know your body types the same way you had to acknowledge your worth. Believe me, there is a strong correlation between both and I personally had to learn the hard way! Now let me tell you, that it doesn’t happen overnight but a little effort goes a long way. There is truly nothing more attractive than a woman walking around owning every fiber of who she is. I believe that confidence comes in all shapes and sizes. Undeniably, the way that you dress up can either boost it up or do the total opposite.  Why wear a crop top if you have large breasts that you are not comfortable about? Make sure that you carry yourself well, because it plays a huge role in the vibes that you send off and gives a pretty much idea of whom you are, no matter where you walk in. Unfortunately, if you don’t know how to dress according to your shape, you will often be the subject of mockery and found yourself in humiliating situations. You might not care about other’s opinions of your image, but keep in mind that it does matter sometimes at the professional level as well as during random encounters and that you will hardly get a chance to make a second impression.

I just want to help some of you become aware of the fact that just because something is trendy doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to own it.  I’ve seen people wearing the latest designer clothes from head to toe and look absolutely hideous. To repeat the words of one of the world’s greatest fashion icon’s Karl Lagerfeld: “Trendy is the last stage before tacky.” Same goes for you too gentlemen. Wearing Louis Vuitton” everythANG” will probably make you stand out but in a ridiculous way. Yes, I know “you got it like that” but you don’t need to feel the need to remind me. Being simple and discreet have a better effect at making people noticing you. I will never get tired of repeating that there is a fine line between fashion and style because there is truly one. Regrettably, a lot of women and men nowadays, would rather be up-to date for the sole purpose of showing off and look like a hot mess instead of wearing clothes that flatter them.  Some of you might not do it on purpose and hopefully this post could teach you a thing or two. On the contrary, if you do, I’m not here to teach you how to conduct your life but just know that it is sincerely not flattering. There is nothing wrong with wearing the latest leather pants or crop top but be mindful, that whatever you wear goes with you so when you are wearing them you feel good in your skin. That is all that matters.If you feel the need to adjust what you are wearing every so often or ask people around you if you look good then It might be a strong sign that you are not comfortable in your clothes and this could be a major turn off. When you look good and feel good, you won’t need validation from anyone. We are all humans and there is nothing wrong about making a fashion faux-pas once in a blue moon, it happens to the best of us, but do not let it become an habit. Do not become the man or woman that people secretly makes fun of. I know we try our best not to judge people, but do not be foolish now and believe that people do not point fingers at you when you do look bad. There certainly wouldn’t be any fashion police for that matter.


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